Comment by levocardia

Comment by levocardia 3 days ago

3 replies

But does it have a variable explorer? Somehow this simple feature, available in MATLAB and RStudio, is sorely lacking in many Python IDEs. I put up with an unbelievable amount of crap in Spyder because I can actually inspect dataframes, matrices, etc.

nightcraft 3 days ago

It does show you the active variables (and bits of details like shapes and dtypes for numpy arrays, torch tensors, dataframes, etc):

However, I'm assuming you want to drill down further into these (and have them displayed as a table for instance)? While the current version doesn't have that, it's definitely planned.

alsodumb 3 days ago

Vanilla vscode has some version of this in the debugging mode, you'd perhaps need to install their Python extensions but that's about it.