Comment by jherdman
Composability is the often cited benefit. As an example, I can do the following in Active Record (Ruby):
class Account < ApplicationRecord
scope :active, -> { where.not(active_at: nil) }
belongs_to :user
class User < ApplicationRecord
scope :born_before, ->(born_on) { where(birthdate: born_on) }
active_users_with_birthdays_today =
Contrived, of course, but it's not hard to see how you can use these sorts of things to build up record sorting, filtering, etc. Doing this by hand wouldn't be very fun.
The thought process can be the same in SQL. You can start by writing SELECT * FROM Account; then add your JOIN to User, then add your predicates. Then you can refine it – here, if I’m understanding the code correctly, you’re using User for a JOIN but never return anything from that table, so you could turn it into a semi-join (WHERE EXISTS) and likely get a speed-up.