Show HN: MOS6502 in pure Lua running in WebAssembly
( points by delduca 4 days ago
48 points by delduca 4 days ago
I networked a 6502 a while ago in order to capture some behavior that isn't well documented.
You can interact with it using a wasm-based assembler in your browser. Programs only get 100 cycles to run but that should be plenty if you just want to poke around.
I’ve just updated the demo. Check it out here:
Have you run ?
See also
I also note that you have the same code copy/pasted in every ALU operation which might be better expressed in one location for maintenance reasons.
This was a fun thing to see after having just finished binging Ben Eaters 6502 breadboard computer series.
Since it's printing something out I suppose it also has everything else virtualised, would be cool to be able to provide it some machine code / assembly