Comment by ActorNightly
Comment by ActorNightly 2 months ago
>because they created a shadow court (FISC or “FISA Court” in the 70s) to push through surveillance warrants on their own terms [see 9]. There’s zero requirement to publicly report any surveillance (or its outcome) authorized under a FISA-granted warrant.
When you start excusing the lack of evidence for conspiracy with more conspiracy, you are too far lost in the sauce.
Note how you automatically assume that just because its a shadow court, it MUST be corrupt. Or that the US citizens being targeted have done nothing wrong, and are being targeted solely because some c-suit wants them to be.
Consider that all of your ideas have this inherent bias of government being bad. If you are capable, eliminate this bias, and think through logically on why you may want to have a FISA court, and why you may want the power to target US citizens.
>American citizens are supposed to just blindly trust entities that not only have unlimited access to our information if they want it, but also have a court with judges that will push through surveillance warrants (see stats on the number of approved warrants vs. those rejected or requiring amendment)?
Yes. Governments are not perfect, but they are absolutely required for societies to function. When the government is created, citizens give it rights that surpass individual rights, so that it can rule in various ways, including through force or surveillance, to keep society in order. Your life today, thats arguably better in US than for people in other countries, is a direct result of this system in work.