Comment by rzz3

Comment by rzz3 2 months ago

1 reply

In no particular order: - I learned a new language and moved to a new country, as a direct result of what I saw and learned from TikTok. - I learned about countless new cultures from all over the world. - I learned new perspectives about domestic and international politics. - I met a variety of real, online friends and 3 real life friends who I actually spend time with in person. - I was able to learn how to express my emotions in better and more constructive ways. - I learned a ton of random things about every subject matter I can think of—from AI and programming, to psychology, to cooking, to mechanical and electrical engineering, history, medicine, science, etc. As a generalist it’s very important to me, as I’m able to connect information well across diverse subject areas. - I discovered the majority of the music I listen to these days. - I started traveling the world, learning how to do it safely and finding new destinations I didn’t previously know anything about.

The list really goes on and on, but these are some of the quick highlights that come to mind. Thanks for asking!

eleveriven 2 months ago

Thank you for sharing! It sounds like you’ve found a meaningful corner of TikTok! And your response helped me to realize those positive aspects