Comment by avianlyric

Comment by avianlyric 2 months ago

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> If you have a heat pump water heater, it will actually _cool_ your space significantly. The heat is transferred from your home to your water and mostly goes down the drain with it.

In a cold environment, you can just take that energy from outside. If you’ve got a heatpump, then you can always set it up make sure that waste heat produced can be used to heat a space, and make sure that it’s always scavenging energy from a place you either want to keep cool, or from outside.

> Phoenix, on the other hand, is the hottest city in the country and its summers are some of the hottest in the world. In general, the hottest cities are still closer to what we'd consider room temperature than the coldest are.

If we’re talking survivable environments here, then phoenix isn’t a good choice. Places like Delhi are better where not only are the temps high, but so is the humidity. At times hot enough and humidity enough that the wet bulb temperature rises higher than human survivable conditions, in which case, without heat pumps, it’s literally impossible for humans to survive more than a few hours.