Comment by stevenicr

Comment by stevenicr 2 months ago

3 replies

I'd rent a server and make a couple support tickets and see how that goes (time until replied, time until fixed, if they have any clue what you are talking about?)

What is that one company that bought like dozens of other hosting companies? I'd avoid all of them.

btw I block all of datapacket's ips from most of my websites, not that that in of itself would be a problem for you, but ips from dpacket, ovh, digital ocean, and similar are blocked en masse from several places I control - I can't be the only one that puts trust things from them on a lower tier for reasons with whatever effects.

Of course if you don't send email, you just need something that can serve files fast and stay online, but the support you get or don't get can cost more than the dollars you save in some cases.

jesterson 2 months ago

> I block all of datapacket's ips from most of my websites

Same, I block all DigitalOcean, Vultr, AWS and sorts form access at all. 99% of security issues together with content are resolved after it.

truetraveller 2 months ago

Isn't Datapacket considered high-end? I mean, it has glowing reviews from top-tier companies. And would a bad IP address even matter for a SaaS app? Perhaps only if my server was interacting with your server, or sending mail, correct?

  • stevenicr a month ago

    "Perhaps only if my server was interacting with your server, or sending mail, correct?" - yep I believe you can run email through a different service and be just fine,

    I don't know if datapacket is considered high end at all, it might be.. my only knowledge of it is seeing it's ip addys regularly used in failed admin login attempts and being used to send contact form spam..

    Of course they are not the only ones being used for such things.