Comment by zug_zug

Comment by zug_zug 2 months ago

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I understand your point -- is my complaint about kubernetes itself or just the way that people at my job set it up?

But in practice perhaps my feeling is that if a tool/ecosystem has too many viable/competing ways to do things and/or it makes adding complexity too easy, the it does encourage devs to get way out their depth. That's less of a problem if it's some tiny service only they have to deal with, but a threat to the whole company if they're using a multimillion dollar company's uptime as their little playground.

That may be less of a criticism of kubernetes itself and more of the ecosystem/trend, but I still think it's relevant. I'd compare it to this - I have often found frontend intolerable not because the tools are bad, but because the rate-of-change of the "in" tools is so excessive.