Comment by crakhamster01

Comment by crakhamster01 2 months ago

15 replies

One miss in this post is that the author tries to make their point by comparing energy consumption of LLMs to arbitrary points of reference. We should be comparing them to their relevant parallels.

Comparing a ChatGPT query to an hour long Zoom call isn't useful. The call might take up ~1700 mL of water, but that is still wildly more efficient than what we used to do prior - travel/commute to meet in person. The "10x a Google search" point is relevant because for many of the use cases mentioned in this post and others like it (e.g. "try asking factual questions!"), you could just as easily get that with 1 Google search and skimming the results.

I have found use for LLMs in software development, but I'd be lying if I said I couldn't live without it. Almost every use case of an LLM has a simple alternative - often just employing critical thinking or learning a new skill.

It feels like this post is a long way of saying "yes, there are negative impacts, but I value my time more".

andymasley 2 months ago

I basically do think that at some threshold it's important to weigh your time against negative impacts. I personally avoid taking flights whenever I can because of the climate and think that's worth my time relative to the emissions saved, but I also never worry about optimizing the energy use of my digital clock because that would take too much time relative to the emissions I could save. ChatGPT exists somewhere between those two things, and my argument in the post is that it's much closer to the digital clock.

  • Retric 2 months ago

    On a logarithmic scale, it’s closer to the flight.

    Flying 1000 miles commercially only represents about 10 gallons of fuel.

    • andymasley 2 months ago

      10 gallons of fuel's worth of energy could be used to ask ChatGTP 100,000 questions (assuming 3 Wh per question) or power a digital clock (1-2 W) for 35 years. If you assume you ask ChatGPT 8 questions per day, it's using exactly as much energy as a digital clock. Personal use of ChatGPT is much closer to the clock.

      • Retric 2 months ago

        The marginal difference of someone sitting or not sitting on a specific flight isn’t 10 gallons of fuel. It’s the capacity of the entire aircraft making that trip / number of passengers that gives 10 gallons on average because if more people make a trip eventually you need an extra aircraft.

        So on an apples to apples comparison ChatGPT including training, hardware, etc uses a fuck of a lot more than just 3 Wh per question.

      • [removed] 2 months ago