Comment by desktopninja
Comment by desktopninja 9 hours ago
The analogy I came up with when I first learned about kubernetes in its early days was: "This is like a Bally's Total Fitness gym membership. Once signed up, you're locked in."
Companies are like bodybuilders:
- Many will try to look like Arnold Schwarzenegger (Mr. Universe), but few will succeed. - A significant number of others will focus on developing certain muscle groups more than others. The resulting appearance will look disproportionate or deformed. - The majority will just limp along, because we're paying for the membership and can't easily get out.
The key point is that it takes incredible discipline, knowledge, and resources (including money) to achieve the "nirvana" state, and then maintain it. And as a company ages, it will require even more effort to keep up that level of fitness and performance.
Just like a bodybuilder, achieving and sustaining peak condition is extremely challenging, even for the most dedicated and well-resourced companies. Most will fall short of the ideal, resulting in an unbalanced or suboptimal outcome.
Consulting companies are the real winners here. Kubernetes is their cash cow, as they can provide the expertise to help companies (try) achieve and maintain their "bodybuilder" status.
After seeing this comic, my v2 analogy especially after seeing the motorcycle slides is this:
If I ( === company) get a Yamaha Tenere 700 I'll be just like Pol Tarres!
- - -
Guessing the individual riding the motorcycle is the IT director ... to me this depiction screams "motorcycle squid".
For the record, I am not against using Kubernetes, but I highly question the decisions made to use Kubernetes. Majority of the time I get the sense someone "drank the koolaid" vs a techincal reason. The analogy is meant to highlight the significant challenges, resources and discipline required to truly master and maintain such a complex system.