Comment by nharada

Comment by nharada 2 months ago

1 reply

Agreed, I feel like the main response seems to be "Does Not!", but it's reasonable to accept that a thing you like has a cost. We all emit carbon every day to do things we don't 100% need, and we should just be willing to admit there's a cost and try and move towards paying them.

Personally, I'm not tripping too hard about datacenter energy long term because it's very easy to make carbon free (unlike say ICE cars or aircraft). But it would be nice to see some efforts to incentivize green energy for those datacenters instead of just saying "whatever" and powering them with coal.

simonw 2 months ago

"But it would be nice to see some efforts to incentivize green energy for those datacenters instead of just saying "whatever" and powering them with coal."

The major datacenter operators all have very aggressive targets for clean energy which they have been mostly sticking to.


