Comment by sam_lowry_

Comment by sam_lowry_ 2 months ago

1 reply


It happened once and I hope won't happen again. I make myself available out of courtesy and I made a point that I will not be remunerated outside of the long expired knowledge transfer agreement.

Funnily, I got remunerated this one time with a lavish gift card for Neuhaus, but it only proves the point.

Of course the buyer knew the root password, details of the setup and all passwords reset procedures were part of the deal.

And of course they can reset the password when properly guided, people are not dumb even when they are not software engineers.

OTOH, most people are totaly unaware of Diffie-Hellman key exchange, the roles of public and private keys and have limited patience and even less interest in learning new things in a stressful situation.

And yes, people with money and authority have a particular distrust for people with skills and knowledge.

Volundr 2 months ago

> It happened once and I hope won't happen again.

I should certainly hope not. I definitely won't be making "I'm providing free IT support while being bombed to someone who apparently thinks I'm some kind of conman instead of trying to help" a priority scenario in my infrastructure planning.