Comment by jackthetab
Comment by jackthetab 2 months ago
I think my (and other) Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) farms would disagree with you.
I buy shares in the farm per my needs. The CSA takes my money and buys seeds, fertilizer, etc. I get discounted (100% :-) products from them throughout the growing season. They also sell their goods at farmers' markets, do deliveries, etc. My CSA has been growing for years. They're a part of a larger co-op org that spans the NE US, IIUC.
So yes, the "beautiful vision" can be, and is, implemented. Even in tech; I'm sure you've heard of neighbors getting together and building their own local networks because the local ISP won't service them.
I love it when tech people are like "this isn't remotely possible", and it's like... happening at the farmer's market already lol.