Comment by orwin
You have multiple type of food addiction. Most are hormones dependent. For some people, it's linked with insulin, and they will crave carbs, and probably modern diet doesn't help.
Mine is linked to grahlin, I'm just always hungry. Painfully so too (at least it used to be). Do you have a friend who doesn't like to eat, sometimes forget to, and only do so to avoid hypoglycemia? I'm the opposite, I produce too much grahlin, too fast. The weird part is that the more you eat/fatten, the more your hormone production increase.
My solution was regular, multiple days fast. Not calorie reduction (which was slightly painful, and very hard to follow), but full on fast, where the first two days are impossibly painful, but then your body start to ignore grahlin, and the last 3-5 are pretty much OK (hypoglycemia is an issue though, I did it with a doctor). And of course, more fibers in the diet (reducing milk-based products and meat helped).