Comment by andymasley
Comment by andymasley 2 months ago
Hey all I wrote this post. To clear up a few points:
I meant this post to tell individuals that worrying about the emissions they personally cause using ChatGPT is silly, not that AI more broadly isn't using a lot of energy.
I can't really factor in how demand for ChatGPT is affecting the future of AI. If you don't want to use ChatGPT because you're worried about creating more demand, that's more legit, but worry about the emissions associated with individual searches right now on their own is a silly distraction.
One criticism is that I didn't talk about training enough. I included a section on training in the emissions and water sections, but if there's more you think I should address or change I'm all ears. Please either share them in the comments on the post or here.
I saw someone assumed I'm an e/acc. I'm very much not and am pretty worried about risks from advanced AI. Had hoped the link to an 80,000 Hours article might've been a clue there.
Someone else assumed I work for Microsoft. I actually exclusively use Claude but wanted to write this for a general audience and way fewer people know about Claude. I used ChatGPT for some research here that I could link people to just to show what it can do.