sitkack 7 hours ago

I found that Claude has really studied the Redis code base which has one of the highest comment to code ratios I have ever seen outside of a literate program.

IMO, there aren't enough videos of watching people work, esp in programming. I learn something every single time I peer over someones shoulder and watch them code.

    % tokei .
    Language            Files        Lines         Code     Comments       Blanks
    C                     141       153737       104162        33735        15840
    C Header               78        15349        10367         3737         1245
    CMake                   3          171          125           22           24
    JSON                  400        24216        24213            0            3
    Makefile                2          714          517           80          117
    Markdown                2          274            0          237           37
    Module-Definition       1        11171         9086            0         2085
    Shell                   1           16           15            1            0
    Total                 628       205648       148485        37812        19351