Show HN: DataTig, crowd source a data set in a Git repository
( points by jarofgreen 4 hours ago
Hello HN!
DataTig is an Open Source tool for when a community of people want to crowd source a data set and they use a git repository to store the data.
Lots of people do this combined with a static site builder. This results in a nice website with easy ways to manage and contribute data.
With DataTig you add a config file then the tool can provide web forms, data exports, data information, quality checks, history information ... it also works with MarkDown files with YAML headers so you can use it with a static site blogging tool like Jekyll.
More info on the website:
I recently wrote up a talk that lists some people doing this and goes into the question of whether this is a good idea to do or not:
Have a look, and please say if you know of a project that does this.
Thanks, James