c0redump 2 months ago

Yikes. Is this type of schizoposting allowed on HN?

  • Forbo 2 months ago

    Please don't do that. Schizophrenia is a serious mental illness. Don't further stigmatize it by conflating it with the racist drivel posted above.

sofixa 2 months ago

Most ecologists are also anti-natalist, so your premise is wrong.

And if you look at CO2 per capita numbers, the average person in a developed country pollutes tons more, regardless of skin colour: https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/co-emissions-per-capita . And there are big outliers too, like Americans, and fossil fuel exporting countries.

And what do you know, most polluters have very low birth rates. Where there are high birth rates, the CO2 emissions are derisory (you need 7 Egyptians or 20 Nigerians to match one American).

saagarjha 2 months ago

Most of the world isn’t white so even if you’re not being upset about white people being oppressed or whatever this just makes sense from an equity perspective.