Comment by blkhawk
Comment by blkhawk 2 months ago
what does "water used by data center" even mean? Does it consume the water somehow? What does it turn into? Steam? So uploading a 1GB file boils away nearly 1 liter of water? Or is it turned into bits somehow in some kind of mass to energy conversion? I sorta doubt that. Also this means data centers would have cooling towers like some power stations. Are we talking about the cooling towers of power stations?
I think at least that graph is complete non-sense. I will try and have chatGPT explain it to me.
> what does "water used by data center" even mean?
This doesn't clarify what exactly it includes, but there are two main things that generally are included:
(1) Direct water use for cooling, (which, yes, ends up as steam rom cooling towers), and
(2) Water used in generating electricity consumed by data centers, which, yeah, is again evaporated in cooling towers.