Comment by edm0nd

Comment by edm0nd 3 hours ago

2 replies

Chinese nation state hacking groups also literally break into American Fortune 500 companies and US aerospace/defense companies to steal R&D and tech to then use themselves + give to private Chinese industries. That sure does help them a ton when they dont have to do any research and can just steal and copy instead.

saturn8601 3 hours ago

Thats can only go so far with that though and thats probably why many of their industries haven't really met the par yet.

But at the same time they have eclipsed the west in certain industries such as commercial nuclear. That mentality is there in their industries that havent met the par yet and that was a major point I was making in my previous comment.

As far as I understand, they originally licensed the AP1000 but expanded upon the design enough that they have ownership over the new design and they use that now.


We also see it in BYD. The Seagull is a symphony of cost efficiency and vertical integration that western companies are now studying.


BlueTemplar 3 hours ago

It might help, but the Soviet Union did something like that too, and look at what became of it.