Comment by Fnoord

Comment by Fnoord 2 months ago

2 replies

You cannot trust a human to avoid buying crap on Amazon but like I said with Prime the only cost is time (and, to be fair: Co2 footprint).

Dynamic CVV would mean you'd have to authorize the payment. If amount seems off, decline.

To be clear, I don't think I'd use it but if it could save you time (a precious value, in our day and age) with good signal to noise ratio it is win-win for user, author, and Amazon.

If you want to buy an Apple device from a trusted party, including trusted accessories, then there's My point being: buying from there is much more secure. But even then, there is no '1 iPhone 16'; there's variants. Many of them.

bravura 2 months ago

If it goes on your skin or in your body, do you trust Amazon 3rd party sellers?

  • Fnoord 2 months ago

    My rule of thumb is: not more or less than AliExpress, though Prime is a bit reassuring. I got Chinese tech which gives me skin rashes, or smells really bad. The advantage of Amazon though, is that I can sent back items without much hassle. Doesn't work with AliExpress.