Comment by paulpauper

Comment by paulpauper 2 months ago

2 replies

Some people have such bad metabolism that they have to east tiny amounts of food to not gain weight ,way lower than predicted by calculators and controlling for weight. Ozempic makes this easier. Yeah, you're right that overeating is the problem, but this threshold is low for those with crap genetics.

tonymet 2 months ago

yeah that's not true. every study has shown over reporting activity and under reporting calories

  • vidarh 2 months ago

    I believe that, but also a lot of online calculators give insane numbers in part because they don't guide people to the right activity level. E.g. if you work an office job, you're almost guaranteed to be sedentary, but people often think they're still "active" because they go to the gym every day.

    They're not.

    If you account for that, a lot of the calculators make more sense, and a lot of people would be shocked at how little they should be eating.