Comment by schmidtleonard
Comment by schmidtleonard 2 months ago
> well within the legal system
It's not a search if we don't find anything, and it's not a seizure if we charge the money with the crime. These are court approved arguments, so they must be correct interpretations.
Point is: modern bureaucrats have proven that they are absolutely willing to abuse power, even in the best of times when there is no real domestic political strife.
Given the technical nature of this forum, its absolutely mind boggling that people still don't understand what the surveillance programs were about.
If you want to use an analogy, its more along the lines of people living in houses and driving cars made out of pure glass that are completely see through, with faces blurred, and NSA just having a cameras around. If you are going to tell me that this is an abuse of power, its like an argument comparing US to absolute utopia.