Comment by scarecrowbob

Comment by scarecrowbob 2 months ago

3 replies

I'm pretty upset about it and I am not a creator.

I'm not just upset because I have a general dislike of being told I'm an idiotic, addicted, communist stooge who is easily brainwashed. I am used to folks telling me that- it started when I was writing anti-war editorials in the early oughts, so there is nothing new in that.

What I regret is that I have been following a number of quite-good political discussions on the platform, with a nicely diverse group of interlocutors.

While the discussion generally leans far left, there are many flavors of that left:

not a lot of tankies, mostly just people between "dirt bag left" and "black panther party", lots of women, BIPOC, trans folks, academics, working people, indigenous folks, queer folks of all stripes, activists, and folks who just don't like authority.

Those conversations had been very hard to come by on Yt, Ig, or Fb.

I think it's the response format for videos. I don't think it's worth bothering to speculate about other reasons, though I did note that several legitimate left news sources were shuttered in 2020 when Meta and Tw started their political purge.

Anyhow, I know that folks in the US have very little regard for political autonomy, so I am not surprised that this happens, and compared to the carceral state and the happy ecocide of the planet this is a very little thing. But I will still miss it.

Eextra953 2 months ago

My fyp was very similar. I'm going to miss having so many like minded folks to hear from and interact with. I don't think any other app has given me this same sense of community and to some degree empowerment. I am very left leaning in my politics, I also happen to be a POC who is surrounded by apolitical friends. TikTok showed me that there are other folks just like me - that is a powerful and reassuring feeling.

  • groggo 2 months ago

    Same. I mean I didn't find quite the same type of community, but I did get exposed to content that was different than other platforms. Just weirder, more fun, more interesting. Definitely going to miss it if it goes away.

    It's unfortunate that more people can't see that it: 1. actually has some social value 2. banning it is a restriction on our freedom

    Obviously, it's 3. mostly junk and brain rot 4. a potential tool for Chinese influence and manipulation

    But I think we need to accept that 1 & 2 override 3 & 4. Honestly for 4, it's more important to have a widely used source that isn't necessarily subject to the same restrictions (legal or cultural) as US-based apps.

[removed] 2 months ago