Comment by spondylosaurus
Comment by spondylosaurus 2 months ago
Haven't done it myself but there is a robust DIY community for GLP-1 drugs. No idea if anyone's gotten hurt yet or if it's been pretty okay so far.
Comment by spondylosaurus 2 months ago
Haven't done it myself but there is a robust DIY community for GLP-1 drugs. No idea if anyone's gotten hurt yet or if it's been pretty okay so far.
I found a pack of 10 5mg bottles in a Discord group for $90 For me that would be a year's worth. Comes with 3rd party testing. Haven't pulled the trigger on that deal yet but I do have some I got for $50 for a 5mg bottle and that's still a hell of a deal. So far so good.
Oh sure, there absolutely is. Not only for glp-1s but for all kinds of peptides, especially SARMs.
Doesn't mean it's safe. Lots of people trade off a small risk of harm for immediate benefits. Hell, look at alcohol.