Comment by immibis
The gamification of the "levels" starting with "Misdirection" doesn't really make sense to me. After the first few "levels" you've established how the game works: the player has to click on the button that opts out of the bad stuff, and gets a green box (success). Opting into the bad stuff gives a red box (fail).
But then suddenly you switch it up: the player is forced to opt into the bad stuff, so you can give a guided tour through the bad stuff. You still give red failure feedback for all of this, but you also give red failure feedback if the player opts out of the bad stuff, since you were trying to get them to see it.
Even after this point, some levels work the original way where you have to opt out of bad stuff.
Again on "Basket Sneaking", the goal is to remove items from the cart, but when removing items from the cart, you give red failure-like feedback.
On "Privacy Zuckering" the "Show details" are not anything you'd see on a real website. Here the idea that you're giving a guided tour clashes with the idea that you're showing us a mockup of a real app.
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Thank you for the super detailed feedback—this is incredibly helpful!
Other comments have highlighted similar issues, and I definitely see the need to re-work the lessons to maintain a more consistent positive action pattern.
Balancing guided exploration with clear player expectations has been tricky, but your input gives me a lot to think about.
Thanks again-really appreciate you taking the time to share this.