Comment by NoMoreNicksLeft
Comment by NoMoreNicksLeft 2 months ago
I'm still sympathetic to those arguments. Humans have, for at least the last several million years, been taught in the evolutionary sense to never let a calorie go uneaten. Too many famines. "Just don't do that thing that every gene in your body screams at you to do, and feel miserable for it" isn't really good advice, and isn't all that insightful. One can't even necessarily make judgements about how many calories they themselves can eat based on what they see other people around them eating. "That other person stays skinny, and I'm eating about the same amount as them" is not an on-the-surface unreasonable assumption... but it doesn't work, even if you could eliminate human misperceptions.
>At one point, I had a podcast-obsessed coworker who tried to tell us all that even when he ate 1000 calories per day he couldn't lose weight. He had a long list of influencers and podcasters who supported this claim.
The week after Thanksgiving, I had a heart attack (age 50). I was in the CICU for nearly a week before they let me go home. On the day I was released, they sent a nutritionist in to tell me that I shouldn't try to eat one meal a day, that I really needed to be eating 3 meals a day, and to eat bread at least for two of those (or other carbs). Don't eat butter, eat margarine though. Yadda yadda. This was what, 8 weeks ago? Not 1962 in any event.
Do you know what 1000 calories looks like spread across 3 meals? Or how long you have to run on a treadmill to make up 300 calories if you bump that up to 1300? Or that, even sitting in an office chair every day, I can't lose weight (of any significance) at caloric intake much above that? I'm willing to concede that any problems I'm having here are in my own head, that I can't change my behavior or habits or whatever (to literally save my own life), but this isn't the sort of problem that can be handled by any but the most godlike of willpowers (which I do not have, if that doesn't go without saying). Right now, I probably need to be eating just one meal every other day, as I'm not really gaining any weight back but I'm not losing much either. My meal, such as it is, is a salad that fits in a small bowl (less than 2 cups of lettuce and uncooked vegetables). None of this is helped by knowing that people who are so-called medical professionals are giving me is absolute horseshit.
The truth of the matter is that we are adapted to eat only once every few days, and for even that meal to be meager and less than appetizing. But we live in a world that has mastered abundance and flavor, and uses marketing science to constantly try to get us to to buy all that. When you tell people "just eat less", really you're just doing the r/fatpeoplehate but in a covert way where you don't have to feel like an asshole. We (all of us, sympathizers, haters, acceptance activists) turn this into a morality tale, and can't think about this rationally. For anyone that cares, I wear 33" jeans, but I probably need to drop another 20-25lbs realistically.
PS Just giggled thinking about what it would mean to the US economy if suddenly every adult over the age of 28 started eating one small meal every 2-3 days... even our stock market is arrayed against us.
It makes no sense that a mammal that needs to keep 150 pounds of tissue at 98.6 degrees could do so on so many fewer calories than dogs and chimps. I think you're restricting to the point your body is cutting its calorie expenditure, not finding an equilibrium for a healthy human.