Comment by toast0

Comment by toast0 2 months ago

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> One of the key components of terrorism is random or at least very loose targeting and some degree of disregard for collateral damage.

I don't see how loose targetting is required. Or was the Oklahoma City Bombing not terrorism because it targetted a specific building?

The FBI definition of domestic terrorism is only one of many, but they say:

> Violent, criminal acts committed by individuals and/or groups to further ideological goals stemming from domestic influences, such as those of a political, religious, social, racial, or environmental nature.

In my mind, the key is intent to further ideological goals. Killing a rival gang member to increase your standings in the gang leader boards isn't terrorism because there's no ideology. Killing a gang member to try to wipe out gangs could be, because it's an ideological battle. It wouldn't matter if you specifically targetted the leader of a gang, or the first gang member you saw, or someone you thought was a gang member without any investigation; it's the intent to further your ideology with violent crime.