Comment by fidotron

Comment by fidotron 2 months ago

15 replies

Americans live in a society lying to them by omission. You have to have learned AlJazeera, RT or Xinhua exist, because they're not going to be shown to you by normal channels, and you almost certainly go on a watchlist if you visit too much.

The whole point is to remove anything that may cause a passive media consumer to question what is presented to them.

JumpCrisscross 2 months ago

> You have to have learned AlJazeera, RT or Xinhua exist, because they're not going to be shown to you by normal channels

They’ve each run ads on billboards in New York. I distinctly remember Xinhua’s in Time Square.

  • fidotron 2 months ago


    Al Jazeera America closed down some years ago. (2016 apparently).

    • JumpCrisscross 2 months ago

      Definitely after 2016, but before Covid.

      • fidotron 2 months ago

        At the risk of a tangent, were Xinhua seriously fishing for a US audience? Or was it more kudos from the billboard?

        My parents used to be addicted to Al Jazeera, then some unspecified incident occurred and we were never to speak of it again. All very strange.

reaperducer 2 months ago

You have to have learned AlJazeera, RT or Xinhua exist, because they're not going to be shown to you by normal channels

Al Jazeera is widely known across the country, and during the time I had cable television was available in every city in which I lived.

RT is available over-the-air on free regular broadcast channels in some American cities. You can't get less restricted than that.

You speak like someone who's never even been to the United States.

  • throw310822 2 months ago

    It doesn't matter what media are available as long as you manage to control their impact- that is, the vast majority of your citizens don't really watch them. The moment one becomes impactful, you can shut it down citing dangerous foreign interference (and it's true!).

  • fidotron 2 months ago

    Al Jazeera America stopped in 2016.

    RT America was removed from most services as of 2022 and hasn't been broadcasting since.

    This is changing in the wrong direction and you are getting less free over time.

    > You speak like someone who's never even been to the United States.

    You speak like someone who's never left it.

    • reaperducer 2 months ago

      You speak like someone who's never left it.

      Darn it, then decade I spent in Asia and the 100+ trips to Europe and the Middle East didn't prepare me for the rapier banter of some rando on the internet.

    • throwawayq3423 2 months ago

      Both AJ and RT are widely available online. Your bar of "American cable networks must grant licenses to broadcast hostile foreign state propaganda" is one that no other country abides by.

      In fact, even the idea of allowing CNN or BBC to broadcast into people's homes in Russia is so laughable, I don't know why you even brought it up, or what your point is.

      • fidotron 2 months ago

        > In fact, even the idea of allowing CNN or BBC to broadcast into people's homes in Russia is so laughable, I don't know why you even brought it up, or what your point is.

        No one's talking about availability in Russia except you.

        And to add some substance about why AJ and RT can be accessed I will quote another commenter who put it better than I did: "The reason you can is that very few people actually do. As the Tik Tok affair shows, the moment the US suspects it might have some real competitor in controlling the narrative, it shuts them down. Maybe it's the right thing to do, but it's worth taking note that it's how things are."