Comment by lakshikag

Comment by lakshikag 2 months ago

1 reply

Cheers for adding up NimbleAI, I'm excited to see it launch.

I’ve had someone else mention the calendar issue too, but I haven’t been able to replicate it on my end, so I’m struggling to pinpoint the exact cause. If it’s not too much trouble, could you send me a screen recording or some details about the steps you took? That would really help me figure this out. (Send me a DM on twitter @lakshikagayal)

As for PH, I’ve launched not only one but several products there in the past, but since I don’t have a big community following me, they all ended up getting buried pretty quickly.

And launching this on PH and make it the #1? now that would be poetic, maybe we’ll make it happen someday :D

harrisreynolds 2 months ago

My guess is that maybe the calendar issue is timezone related?!? That is where I'd start. I am in US central time.