I wish to opt out of receiving exclusive promotional offers and updates about products I might be interested in.
What this means:
When checked: They will send you marketing emails. Uncheck to stop promotional emails.
How it tricks you:
They use 'opt out' and 'wish' to create a double negative - saying no to opting out means saying yes to emails
Fun stuff! But I'm really unclear about this particular checkbox on lesson 9 - in my eyes, wishing is not a negative - so this is a single negative, and you would check it to not receive updates
The worst offender I've seen in this regard was some GUI program on Windows, and it had this checkbox in its installation process with some wording like this:
"Please do not uncheck if you do not wish to not install XXX (bundled bloatware)"
I just assumed that the default state must be installing the bloatware, and changed it, and fortunately I was right.