Comment by kingraoul

Comment by kingraoul 2 days ago

2 replies

> The concern is deep, adversarial manipulation of public sentiment

You mean letting U.S. citizens see the flour massacre video on a platform where the security state can’t ban it.

This bill languished for years until that happened.

deaddodo 2 days ago

I can see information on this specific event on Wikipedia, CNN, Youtube, etc right now; all "western-controlled". It's also available through Al-Jazeera, Reuters, and other foreign sources.

You have an interesting and unique definition of "state censorship". Almost like one defined by a bias inherently interested in letting specific foreign interests continue to proliferate under the guise of an emotional appeal.

  • kingraoul 2 days ago

    Raises eyebrow I’m talking about watching the video. And surely you understand the content moderation will be different once the cat is out of the bag.