Comment by dspillett

Comment by dspillett 2 months ago

0 replies

> OP bought a camera not sold as a webcam and is trying to use it as a webcam. Fair enough, I've done the same. A standard way of doing that is…

And another standard way, supported by at least some cameras, without even single extra charge never mind a subscription⁰, is apparently video over USB.

> I get subscription fatigue, but this is not a good hill to die on.

No users are dying on this hill¹. OP is just stating, in an exasperated tone admittedly, what the state of affairs is with this camera. Some of us are agreeing with him that it seems off, and is part of the ongoing enshitification of the software and hardware worlds. Others can use this information to help guide their choice of camera (or supplier of other equipment), or not, their choice.


[0] Which implies they could decide to discontinue the feature at a whim later, no matter how much the user has paid between now and then.

[1] I'll refrain² from mentioning that you are putting up quite a determined fight for the “nah, this sort of thing is fine, really” hill.

[2] Oops, I tell a lie…