Comment by symfoniq
Same. Lack of RDS support is the only reason we aren’t using this.
Same. Lack of RDS support is the only reason we aren’t using this.
PostgreSQL Anonymizer developer here : this was possible with version 0.8 which is now completely unmaintained. This extension is currently not available on RDS but it is available on many others DBaaS providers : Azure SQL, Google Cloud SQL, Crunchy Bridge, ....
Just to jump in here -> We support RDS + more and you can self-host, Neosync.
(I'm one of the co-founders)
I tried to figure out how/if this does what I need and your README had no examples. I clicked a couple of level deep, found no obvious demonstrations and left.
I checked the homepage but I do not watch Loom-style demos personally, definitely not 5 minute ones, and so I left.
When I click on OP's link, or just search for it on Google, it takes less than a full page for the extension to show me an extremely straightforward demonstration of its value. You should have something like that.
A simple example of what queries will look like, what setup will look like, all concisely communicated, no 5 minute lectures involved.
It can be done manually: