Comment by marginalia_nu

Comment by marginalia_nu 2 months ago

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I feel AI can also do simple monotonous coding tasks, but I don't think programming is something it's currently very good at. Samples, yes, trivial programs, sure, but anything non-trivial and it's rarely useful.

Where it really shines today is getting humans up to speed with new technologies, things that are well understood in general but maybe not well understood by you.

Want to say build a window manager in X11, despite never having worked with X11 before? Sure, Claude will point you in the right direction and give you a simple template to work with in 30 seconds. Enormous time saver compared to figuring out how to do that from scratch.

Never touched node in your life but want to build a simple electron app? Sure, here's how you get started. Few hours and several follow up questions later, you're comfortable and productive in the environment.

Getting off the ground with new technologies is so much easier with AI it's kind of ridiculous. The revolutionary part of AI coding is how it makes it much easier to be a true generalist, capable of working in any environment with any technology, whatever is appropriate.