Comment by diggan

Comment by diggan 2 months ago

3 replies

> They don’t give a shit about privacy directly

But then this submission is explicitly about them giving a shit, and your own example shows that they do give a shit. Since GM didn't allow people a choice regarding their privacy, FTC looked into it?

I really don't understand how someone can see this story about FTC giving a shit, and then proclaim "They don't give a shit". If they didn't give a shit, why do something?

FollowingTheDao 2 months ago

If they gave a shit they would ban it from all cars and not let the automakers hide it with dark patterns.

  • diggan 2 months ago

    They would ban illegal data collection? Seems it's already banned, and this case proves they don't let automakers hide it with dark patterns, then you get banned from dealing with data at all.

    Or you're arguing against data collection as a whole? I'm not sure FTC is the right tree to bark up to if that's the case, wouldn't you need to involve lawmakers for that? It seems to me FTC would only be able to legislate against "unfair or deceptive practices", so that's why they can address people collecting data in the wrong way, but not address data collection as a whole, would be my guess.

  • mmooss 2 months ago

    They have instituted broader regulations. (I wish I knew where a systematic evaluation is.)