Comment by radicalcentrist

Comment by radicalcentrist 2 months ago

2 replies

No it's not called supply and demand, it's called price discrimination. The way things should be priced is based on the value it gives the market as a whole. Anything further is an anti-competitive attempt to vacuum up more of the buyer surplus.

ascorbic 2 months ago

Price discrimination is the practice of charging different amounts to different people, according to what they're willing to pay. It's a more efficient approach than just setting a single price that clears the market. It sounds underhand, but most people like it in practice: it's the basis of most discounts and coupons.

edanm 2 months ago


I disagree, but genuinely asking why you think that. Why is it ok if it's on the market level but not on the individual level? Price discrimination is all around us all the time, often "hidden" because people get uncomfortable with it, but I don't see it as a bad thing (and it's often very net positive socially).