Comment by aucisson_masque

Comment by aucisson_masque 2 months ago

3 replies

Privacy ? But I have nothing to hide.

Everyone has something to hide, be it as simple as your driving behavior, so you don't end up over paying for insurance or even in the situation where all company refuse to insure a 'risky' profile.

mrweasel 2 months ago

There's also things that are private, but not necessarily deeply secret. There's also things that are completely legal, but morally questionable, at least in your social circles, and if that information was to leak out it would be harmful.

With the VW data leak I was pretty horrified that VW either doesn't understand or don't care that leaking location data isn't just privacy invading, it's potentially dangerous for victims of stalking and abuse. In the mildest cases these people may need to move, in the worst they die.

Car companies seem completely oblivious to the dangers of collecting driving data.

  • soco 2 months ago

    Naming this "oblivious" hides ill intent. And by that I mean, I assume they knew and know exactly the possible implications and decided to throw everybody under the bus for shareholder value. Am I wrong to assume this?

    • mrweasel 2 months ago

      Hard to say. I'm sure that in some 100 page report somewhere under the list of concerns is the risk of information leaks and potential damage. Then someone decided that the company just spend $50M on "cyber" and in their summation change the text to "potential risk of data lose is offset by investments in cyber security", then they push the new 40 page up the stack. The security risk is now perceived as low, so it's removed from the executive summary and a 3 page memo on the revenue and share price benefits is created.

      I don't think was ever ill intent, but when it inevitably goes wrong, then yes, everyone will be thrown under the bus if it protects the stock price.