mattdesl 2 months ago

Although the article is intimidating, the implementation appears pretty simple and flexible. Has anyone tried using this either in the Darktable app or in their own libraries? I might like to try porting it to JS to compare it for web based color picker GUIs.

  • cccbbbaaa 2 months ago

    This colorspace is used internally by the color balance RGB module of Darktable (and Ansel).

balou23 2 months ago

Someone else was mentioning Oklab color space, and I was wondering what the difference was to darktable UCS.

TL;DR: Oklab is pretty simple, but is already pretty nice as a perceptually uniform color space. Darktable UCS takes Oklab and tries to reduce the residual error.

Feel free to correct me if I got anything wrong

  • weinzierl 2 months ago

    Not sure. The article is long and I only skimmed it, but what stood out to me were the following paragraphs:

    "After trying to fix Oklab for a dozen of hours, it appeared that the numerical issues it raises are grounded into design constraints we don’t need for the current task. And so do most of the other perceptual spaces.


    So we could fit an Lch model directly from Munsell hue-value-chroma dataset, without going through LMS space and without even tilting the lightness plane. Doing so, we will not try to model the physiology of vision, but approach the problem as a geometric space distortion where the Munsell hues and the saturations (as a ratio of chromas / values) can be predicted by a 1D mapping from the hues, chromas and lightnesses of forming the principal dimensions of the model.

    This model will need to be invertible. We will try to fit brightness data to derivate correlates of perceptual brightness accounting for the Helmholtz-Kohlrausch effect. Using the brightness and saturation correlates, we will rewrite our image saturation algorithm in terms of perceptually-even operators."

    They obviously took a lot from Oklab but it seems to me they did more than just modifying it to reduce the residual error. But again, I just skimmed and I can be completly wrong.