Comment by WantonQuantum

Comment by WantonQuantum a day ago

2 replies

A long long time ago before reddit, facebook, digg, twitter, etc, there was usenet. It worked a bit like reddit but subreddits were called news groups.

There were many front ends for usenet, called news readers.

My favourite was "nn" short for "no news".

It showed you posts in groups you're subscribed to, allowed you to post comments, etc.

When you had finished getting up to date it would EXIT and print:

No news. (Is good news)

grumblepeet a day ago

Ha! I had forgotten that message.Thank you for reminding me. I used to read comp.lang.lisp for the extensive and increasingly bizarre flame wars and for the wider philosophical discussions. Eventually I got to the point where I thought "OK I'm done now" and left and never went back.

RalfWausE 19 hours ago

The cool thing is: Its still there!

Yeah, it may be not as populated as in the 80s to mid 90s, but there are still enough active groups in usenet to waste uncounted hours every day...