Comment by irskep

Comment by irskep a day ago

3 replies

Replying to myself for clarification: I did not read their 500ms number as including waiting for a network. It sounded like that's how long it was taking React Native to load local data and draw the screen. If that's not the case, it's a very different story.

From another comment by seemack (

> For example, I just recorded myself tapping on a product in the Product list screen and the delay between the pressed state appearing and the first frame of the screen transition animation is more than half a second. The animation itself then takes 300ms which is a generally accepted timeframe for screen animations. But that half second where I'm waiting for the app to respond after I've tapped a given element is painful.

mustafa01ali 16 hours ago

author here - the stated screen load time includes server round-trip, parsing, layout, formatting, and rendering.

  • irskep 12 hours ago

    In that case, I apologize for misunderstanding, and would edit my original comment if I could.