Comment by eastbound

Comment by eastbound 2 months ago

2 replies

Salespeople often misunderstand value-based pricing. If a product costing V dollars is made of N parts, then each part provider claims their value is V, so they deserve V-$1.

A PDF conversion may be required for the end-users, but it doesn’t make the entirety of the value of the product. It just doubles it, as well as the N features before that. But although each feature doubles the value of the product, the order of features doesn’t matter; A PDF export might have been added as the second feature, but the 10th feature still doubled it.

WJW 2 months ago

It's uncanny how accurately this maps to departments claiming they contribute V-$1 of the total profits. Sales argues they bring all the money, engineering argues sales would have nothing to sell without the products being made, platform claims no products would run without the infra they provide, support claims everything would grind to a halt without their constant babysitting of the users, etc etc. Only HR and Facilities don't claim to be directly responsible for any revenue, but that's only because everyone needs them anyway.

  • stavros 2 months ago

    Well, it's all true. Without one of these, there would be no V.