Comment by loxias

Comment by loxias 2 months ago

2 replies

neato! Curious where you're sourcing the raw feed from. Wire service (AP, Reuters, AFP)? Google news? "the wikipedia current events page"? Something else?

As in every other engineering endeavor, the raw data you start off with has a lot to do with what you end up with, no matter what transforms happen. :)

yakhinvadim 2 months ago

Thanks! I mainly rely on Paid APIs, but additionally go over some RSS feeds for prominent sources that they don't cover.

Wikipedia current events page was actually one of the reasons for creating this project! I was disagreeing a lot with their selection of news, for example one of the recent entries is:

"Two people are killed and eleven others are injured when a bus flips on its side on a highway near Prenzlau, northeast of Berlin, Germany."

My system gave it a significance score of 1.8:

yakhinvadim 2 months ago

To your point about raw data - I wasn't expecting there to be so much junk in news. I think I automatically filter out like a third of articles that I get: historic recaps (something cool happened 50 years ago), round-ups (Here's what happened last week), a ton of opinion articles, and AI-slop.