Comment by freedomben

Comment by freedomben 2 months ago

2 replies

I agree that in general usage-based pricing makes the most sense (particularly as that is a good proxy for measuring how much "value" someone is getting from it), my biggest complaint was that the way they were trying to measure it was dumb and very outdated. It really only made sense in a world where everyone was still running on physical servers or VMs. I would certainly concede that pricing is a very hard problem for a product like this, but whatever pricing they come up with should at least map onto the system it's being used in. Basing it off of number of pages of PDFs generated might would make sense, but they insisted on knowing how many CPU cores I would be allocating (which makes little sense when it's deployed as a highly elastic lambda function!)

doctorpangloss 2 months ago

You sound like the worst possible customer. Don’t you see? Nobody is obligated to serve cheap people.

  • freedomben 2 months ago

    > You sound like the worst possible customer. Don’t you see? Nobody is obligated to serve cheap people.

    No, I don't see, but it's clear from your personal attack that you do see and that you can help me, so thank you in advance. Please, help me to see.

    Can you please point out to me where I'm being the "worst possible customer" ? Is it because I refuse to lie and/or make shit up to jam my extremely square peg into their round hole? (which I might add, would open me to legal liability down the road if I guessed wrong (lawsuit for underpaying license fees), or would mean I drastically overpay and even bankrupt the company if I guess way too high. What if I get one customer and use 500ms of a single vCPU all month, but I guessed 50 vCPU?).

    If they want to know things that I don't even know in order to price them, what else should I do? I have a theoretical product that doesn't exist yet, with 0 users, 0 vCPUs, and 0 vRAM because it isn't deployed yet. I have no idea if I'll get 10 users in the first year or 10,000,000. How many vCPUs and vRAM should I tell them so they can price it? Keep in mind this will be deployed in an AWS lambda function so it scales literally on-demand, demand that we have no idea of yet because the product doesn't exist. We also have no idea how much CPU and RAM it will even need, because again it doesn't exist so it can't be profiled or measured. If you can't answer that, I won't accuse you of being "the worst possible customer" ;-)

    Maybe a different approach. I have a PDF library that I want to sell you. I typically charge $10,000 per vCPU per month. You are thinking about building a product on top of my library and ask me for pricing (which I don't publish anywhere so you have absolutely no idea what to expect). You have no idea how many users (if any) you'll have, and you plan to deploy this as a lambda function that can scale from 0 to Infinity almost on-demand. I ask you how many vCPU per month you're going to use so I can quote you a price. What is your answer?