Comment by egypturnash

Comment by egypturnash 2 months ago

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YMMV, but I'm not finding any of those to be problems with my Deck.

Reboots take a noticeable length of time and could certainly be faster but they're almost entirely "oh there's a new version of the OS" for me.

I haven't had any problem with games crashing either.

Its native controllers largely Just Work, and it's easy to turn on turbofire or rearrange buttons to work better with Steam Input. When I connect it to the projector and pick up the PS4 controller I have attached to the dock that works fine too, someday I should really try to properly pair it so I can use it wirelessly, but I mostly just play it handheld.

I basically spend zero time futzing around with Proton unless I am trying to get some old PC game to run.

I spent a while fooling around with installing emulators when I first got it, but I never actually touch them in practice, that's the only time I've ever been outside of the Steam UI.