mmaunder a day ago

And don’t forget Thawte which ended up selling strong SSL outside the US, cornering the international market thanks to US restrictions, and getting bought by Verisign for $600M.

rangestransform a day ago

I hope this time we finally get a Supreme Court ruling that export controls on code are unconstitutional, instead of the feds chickening out like last time

tzs a day ago

I doubt that would work for model weights because they are generated algorithmically rather than being written by humans, which probably means that they are not speech.

  • mbil 17 hours ago

    Not to mention how much paper it would take to print 500B weights

z2 a day ago

I for one would love to see model weights published in hardcover book form.

  • dkga a day ago

    What a throwback to the time when some edgy folks would share printed codes in Pascal… I even remember seeing a hard copy of a binary in hex which was best not to execute.

cheald a day ago

It might be somewhat prohibitive to print the model weights for any sufficiently large model, though.

  • galangalalgol a day ago

    Using 2d barcodes you can fit ~20MB per page. Front and back you could probably fit a model that violated the rule on less than a thousand pages.

    Edit: maybe 10k pages

    • TeMPOraL a day ago

      Skip the barcodes - just cast it to 24bit RGB data, add in some error correction, and print as a high-DPI bitmap (or a series of them, one per page).

      • galangalalgol a day ago

        Printers that can keep all the color channels lined up all the way down to their tightest dot pitch are few and far between. That is why piql used black and white for the boxing code they used to print out all of github. I'm not sure why greyscale wasn't used.

        • TeMPOraL a day ago

          > Printers that can keep all the color channels lined up all the way down to their tightest dot pitch are few and far between.

          It only takes one for a PoC. It only takes few to establish a service. Spatial and color accuracy is going to be a challenge, but I imagine there already exist methods to correct for that - e.g. printing reference patterns along with the data, so the scanner/digitizer can calibrate to it on the fly.

    • layer8 a day ago

      I’m doubtful that barcodes would qualify as free speech.

  • slt2021 a day ago

    how about printing URL to download the weights file?