Comment by nfriedly

Comment by nfriedly 2 months ago

1 reply

I have my own little instance of FreshRSS and I love it. Both the software itself - any time I discover and report an issue, it gets taken seriously and fixed fairly quickly - and also my collection of feeds:

* High quality blogs (Bartosz Ciechanowski, Bits about Money, etc.)

* Local government announcements

* OpenWRT updates (subscribed to the releases/announcements forum)

* Price trackers for things I want to buy eventually but can wait until they go on sale (keepa, appagg)

* The Money Stuff newsletter (via kill-the-newsletter)

* Comics like XKCD

* Book authors I like (mostly via RSSBridge + goodreads)

* etc.

DavideNL 2 months ago

Same here... FreshRSS is great.

Other than the web interface, on Apple devices i'd recommend checking out the NetNewsWire (free) and Reeder clients to use with it.