Comment by karakot

Comment by karakot 2 months ago

2 replies

This is so fucking sad. As a russian american who lived through russian transition from relatively free country to an authoritarian one I'm getting dejavu vibes here(Putin started with taking over of all independent news sources like newspapers/tv and radio channels etc). This is not up to the government or some other people to decide what I read, what I watch where I get my information/news from. America has a beautiful concept of free speech, stick to it. I personally think that TikTok is a brain rot, but I still don't want any government involvement into this. Don't like it? - Don't use it.

randomopining 2 months ago

When did they say you can't read or watch? The same video producers on Tiktok can move to the multitude of platforms that are allowed. They can produce the exact same stuff.

The ban has nothing to do with the material, it has to do with the platform that is used to distribute and curate it. CCP by controlling the algorithm would allow it to do exactly what you say, at the push of a button.

Your comparison to Putin's Russia falls very short.