Comment by alkonaut

Comment by alkonaut 2 months ago

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”If schools used different methods in education then mediums would have benefits there”

Teachers want the medium that gives the best results for the process they are using, one can assume. If that process is suboptimal that’s a different, perhaps much harder thing to change.

It’s of course quite possible that the methods used by teachers are identical, inferior or superior to those you suggest. Or that they are the best methods for the mediums that exist (causing a kind of chicken and egg problem)

But I think the only relevant discussion here and now is how these teachers given their education and their mandated study plans (and methods) optimize their education, and what science has to say about that.

To draw a parallel to reading for other purposes, I’d never manage to get through even a short novel on an e-ink reader much less a screen.

I print any scientific articles I have to read on paper otherwise they are much much harder to understand.

Anecdotal and N=1 but I don’t think I’m alone in my Fiat.