Comment by TheRealPomax
Comment by TheRealPomax 2 days ago
Devices with lots of ram can fit huge files, devices with very little ram can still fit very large, but not gigabytes-huge files. You're not going to fire up VS Code on pi 2 and load a 5GB log file, but you are going to fire up a simpler editor and open a 100MB log file. So as long as you can fit files that make sense for your device in memory, so why would "it loads files into memory" be a problem?
You're just making up numbers to fit the conclusion. For example, the only alternative is either a 5G or 100M file. But in reality, just like you have many tabs in a browser, each eating their 100M away, you'll be opening multiple log files. So those cool sounding "several gigs" is actually very constrained, for example: 3G is "several gigs", but on Windows you will be almost always memory-constrained with a few browsers running (web, chat, etc) and you won't have much to open a few of those 100M log files